1st International Test Success

Telemidi is excited to announce that the first test has worked on an international platform!

Over the last few months tests have been undertaken between Melbourne (Australia) and Germany, Slovakia, France and the UK with limited success due to various internet protocols, routing issues, and firewall obstacles etc.

Today however, a secure and responsive connection was established between Matt Bray in Melbourne, and Dr Robert Bell at Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) in Scotland!!

This is a crucial step forward in the journey of Telemidi (a distance of 16,905 km (10,504 mi)), following which a series of tests will be undertaken in the coming days to establish how this connection fares in supporting the Telemidi process. ย This will then lead to the recording of a Telemidi test performance between two recording studios, one located at ENU (Edinburgh, Scotland) and the other at Victoria University (Melbourne Australia).

Stay tuned for details and recordings!

Please, if you’re keen to get involved, do not hesitate to contact me to take part in Telemidi testing.


Matt Bray